Abstracts & Updates

We Know Mineral Rights and Renewable Energy - Title Research in Texas

We Know Mineral Rights and Renewable Energy - Title Research in Texas

The topic of mineral rights in Texas is a complex subject with standards and regulations varying from county to county. Mineral rights do not always belong to the actual land property owners. That is very important information which is critical when a client is considering buying or selling a piece of property. Usually mineral rights refer to the d...

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The Importance of Including A Flood Zone Determination With A Title Search

Flooded land

Floods can be completely devastating to communities. The loss of life, property and livelihoods can leave survivors displaced because their homes and businesses are uninhabitable. The financial cost of replacing everything that was swept away is unimaginable.  

The Incredibly Detailed World of Abstracting

The Incredibly Detailed World of Abstracting

The purchase of a piece of property is an extensive process that involves a multitude of professionals, property inspections, a survey, appraisal, and often a title abstract. This comprehensive, detailed report is usually performed by the title company, and is one of the many documents required to close the sale of a property and transfer title to the new owner. The title abstract is undeniably the authority on information about a property's title.  

Do-It-Yourself: How to Do a Property Title Search


If you've ever purchased a property, you know how frustrating those last-minute delays can be when your closing date is fast approaching. Often, delays are unavoidable, but there are many times where these delays could have been prevented. According to the National Association of Realtors, 9% of all closing delays are related to issues associated with the title of the property. For this reason, it is a good idea to perform a title search on the property to avoid delays in your closing.

Real Property, Real Research

We Know Texas Better

It takes a great deal of research to get an abstract of title for real property. An abstract of title is distinguishable from other types of title related reports. The term abstract of title can be confusing to the average person and even to professionals in property-based industries.It is common to come across the term when purchasing property; however, there are other times where the abstract of title is utilized, such as with the oil and gas and legal industries.

Whatever the interest in a particular property, it is vital to fully understand its legal history.A property's abstract lists a myriad of legal activities associated with it, and that knowledge is a powerful tool.Having a full grasp of a complete history can give you an edge in negotiating leases, sales, and other property transactions.

Not only will having an abstract of title on hand benefit you when it comes time to negotiate, but it can also reveal potential risks associated with the conveyance or acquisition of a property.

Texas Plats, Maps and Tax Records

West Texas

Researching property history, especially Texas property history, can be a daunting task. Amongst Texas's 254 counties, there is a lot of variety in terms of how property records are recorded and archived. One of the first steps to understanding the work we do at Hollerbach & Associates is understanding the basics of each county's record-keeping techniques and documentation. We want our clients to be informed on how to interpret their property history to minimize risk.  

We Know Texas Better

We Know Texas Better

At Hollerbach & Associates, when we say that We Know Texas BetterTM, it's more than just a catchy phrase — we mean it. With our large network of Texas professionals and our 35 years of experience in title researching, how could we not? The truth is that Texas's 254 counties, with their broad variety of record-keeping practices, make title research a tricky beast to tackle — and that's why you need a company that knows Texas better.

Coronavirus Business Operations Update

Effective at midnight on March 24th, Hollerbach & Associates, Inc. will not be accepting visitors at our San Antonio location. We are in compliance with San Antonio Mayor Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Wolff's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" orders issued on March 23rd requiring limited travel March 25, 2020 through April 9, 2020. However, please be a...

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Abstracts & Observations: Texas real estate market remains an alluring target for national lenders.

As you know by now, the sky is falling on the mortgage industry. It has been for a few years. Nobody’s borrowing. Fewer still are lending.

But I have a secret to share. They will be borrowing (and lending) again soon. And when they do, you’ll see more business than ever in Texas. Why, you ask?

Abstracts & Observations: What we’ve learned in 25 years serving the mortgage industry

It’s hard to believe that Hollerbach & Associates opened its doors for the first time almost 3 decades ago. Now that makes me feel old! In 1985, a 30 year fixed mortgage could run some borrowers over 12 percent. Countrywide had just gone public, and the industry was on the verge of a secondary market spurred down-cycle. “Freddy” and “Fannie” did not quite mean the same things that they do today.

I guess the moral of the story is that this is a cyclical industry. Good times are always followed by bad. Bad times will always come to an end. But if I‘ve learned anything in my first 25 years as owner of Hollerbach & Associates, it’s that good business happens when one works with good people. We’ll continue to work with, and seek out, good, honest people to deliver our products. And we’re confident that this is the approach that will see firms like ours through to the next “up-cycle.” After all, it’s worked for the first 25 years.